Autify Inc. (CEO: Ryo Chikazawa), which provides Autify, a software test automation platform, will be launching Autify for Mobile (beta version). Online pre-registration has started from today.
Autify is a SaaS (Software as a Service) which automatically verifies whether the developed software works as expected on a browser. As a codeless service, anyone can easily automate, execute, and operate using Autify.
Autify has been implemented by over 300 companies that provide various web services, including e-commerce websites, B2B SaaS, and streaming platforms. We have received praise that end-to-end test automation using Autify has significantly reduced time and cut down on maintenance costs.
No need to prepare and manage real machines for verifying app operation
We are pleased to announce the launch of Autify for Mobile (beta version), a mobile app compatible version of Autify. This has been highly requested for some time.
Remote work has become the new normal for many development companies. At the same time, a growing number of clients have voiced their struggles, such as how hard it is to prepare multiple verification devices, how time-consuming it is to mail those devices to staff, and how expensive it is to manage verification devices.
With Autify for Mobile (beta version), there is no need to prepare a verification terminal. You can perform operation verification on multiple terminals automatically on a browser (Windows/Mac).
Autify for Mobile (alpha version) will be available starting today, and Autify for Mobile (beta version) will be available from April 2021. Pre-registered clients will be prioritized. Please register here.
Features of Autify for Mobile (beta version)
Codeless Automation
Previously, test automation required programming knowledge and automation skills. Autify is a web app that allows anyone to create and run tests effortlessly, even without programming knowledge. QA (Quality Assurance) staff can set up and manage test automation, maintaining higher quality. Engineers can focus on development, which helps speed up the release cycle.
Effortless testing, any time
Create Test Scenarios by simply interacting with the app on your browser and save the recording. If you set a schedule, the test will be executed automatically at regular intervals. For example, you can run a test every Saturday at 11:00 pm. Once the setup is complete, you can sit back, relax, and wait for results to come in. Saved Test Scenarios can be copied and edited, which can then be used to test other web apps. Companies that develop multiple services have commented how helpful it is that development teams in different departments can utilize it.
AI detects changes and auto-repairs
Usually, Test Scenarios must be edited manually when UI changes or new features are added in an update. With Autify, you don’t have to. AI detects changes in the source code and UI and automatically corrects the Test Scenario. There is no need to rewrite Scenarios or fix broken test scripts. This helps reduce maintenance costs.
Over 300 organizations have implemented the Autify for Web, which was launched in October 2019
So far, over 300 organizations by that provide web services have implemented Autify. Autify has solved various issues such as:
You can read implementation case studies here.
Customers who already use Autify’s web version have been requesting a mobile version for testing native mobile apps. We have developed Autify Mobile beta version to meet those demands.
Market changes have been rapid in recent years, and achieving a rapid software release cycle and maintaining quality is the key to business growth. However, this is impossible without test automation. Autify allows end-to-end test automation in both web and mobile apps, achieving faster release cycles and improved quality in a broader range of fields.
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